Playstation HOME

wow… this is crazy… and free!

pool and bowling FTW

rumor has it you can pay $5.00 or something of the sort to watch movies currently in threaters on your tv in HD content :smiley: ( sure as hell beats going to the theater and dealing with $9.00 per person.

so basically its Second Life, but for ther PS3? And hopefully better made.

so this is HOT to be in here?

I kinda don’t get it…

thats crazy

Why would I want to turn on a PS3 to walk around and talk to people and make an animated guy that looks like me? If I wanted to go out and meet people I’d turn the video game off and go out.

I’d rather just turn it on, play a game (online or offline), and turn it off.

true, i only like it because you could view movies and such

I could see that. Would keep from buying/renting dvds.

some good things but a lot of negatives too.

good being…its inovated, movies, games, can join others in games, etc…

bad: turn couch potatoes into bigger couch potatoes, its not to be used as a “ version of SIMS”
could be a haven for pedophiles.

welcome to xbox-live


but you got to pay for xbox online right???

ya its nothing horrible tho… like $50 a year or something.

but if you think about it… say you have the system for 5 years with 5 years of online service, thats $250 so it adds up

im starting to think sonny is some kind of microsoft fanboy

let me take this oppurtunity to tell you to go fuck yourself.

i’m a fanboy of nothing but superior products… there are other xbox networks that work the same way as live, but free of charge.

my point is that the playstation online gaming / movies is nothing new to online-gaming world… they are just attempting to get to the xbox1 level, let alone xbox360, and are still falling short… they have had HD movies online for months… plus their media center connector allows you to download and play them on a computer… have they even resolved the issues with the sony network prior to trying to roll out new features?


can we please not get into this…
this is FALSE…
a Xbox 360 with the same features is the same price as a Ps3.

360 pro w/20gb harddrive $399.99 + HD-DVD $199.99 = $599.98 so its 2 pennys cheaper then the 60GB PS3.


playing online is not enjoyable, cause of all the sore losers & cheats.
played one game of NBA2k7 against some cheat/cheeser(me = nets, him = nuggets) still beat him & he gave me some negative feedback saying i verbally abused him & i don’t even have a mic WTF, didn’t show replay or anything f*uck him…i hate sore loser ruin it for everyone.

thats my first & last time playing 2k7 online… record of 1-0

wow… you sound salty… i thought we were talking about high-def gaming and online high-def movie watching… which, with xbox-live, it isn’t nessicary to have the HD-DVD player… so there is -$199.99… that’s just an add-on perk. :slight_smile: … but i digress…

the ps3 doesn’t have better gameplay from any advantage (hardware / software) yet it was released over a year after the 360… how does that make sense??? i mean we are buying a gaming console and not a VCR…right?

i’m not salty with you…i’m just tired of everyone & their mother comparing price & saying 360 is cheaper…ever since PS priced the PS3 thats been the arguement…& its false.

as far as comparing them… ps3 has slightly better graphics, & xbox has better online but you have to pay…so its a toss up.

personlly i think they are the same…i think you buy based on which ever one has the games you like, the controller you like, the movie player you like etc…

the reason i like ps3 better is because i don’t buy many games, & the ones i like are better on Ps3 NBA2k7, Turismo
also i wanted blueray & i like the PS3 controller better.
I also think the future potential for PS3 is better due to games being able to be written on blueray discs instead of limited to DVD like 360.

but using your logic, the xbox360 can produce games on hd-dvd!!! so the size of the disk is negligible… since you ‘have’ to buy the hd player to have a comparible system :kekegay:

everywhere that i’ve read says that the graphics are not superior on the ps3… rather they are ‘crisper’ in the foreground and more blurry in the backround, as a whole… or something…

I like the xbox more because of the aftermarket wide-spread international support… there are tons and tons of homebrew guys that really make the aftermarket xbox community what it is (and what it is/was for the xbox1)

  1. the developing standpoint… microsoft uses .net as well as open source xbox compiling development kits that are widely availible… so there is going to be tons and tons of future home grown revisions… if you google it, the sony compiler is buggy and has been causing coders problems and they have no other avenue to develop with…

  2. single console games are soon to be a thing of the past… gran turismo stated that it will be released on both platforms as well as the next grand theft auto… two big hitter games for sony that will not be tied to consoles any longer…

BUT…the HD-DVD can only read movies thats it…i already looked into it., unless there has been a change in the lasy 3-6 months.
i think they pegion-holed themselves. granted it might never be an issue, but if a future version of GTA or some other huge game comes out it might be.

i understand your want for homebrew but like i said…i play like 5 games. i think i only had 10-15 games ever when i had my Ps2 & that include differnt years of the same game NBA 2k5, 2k6 etc…

as far as graphics…yeah i saw that but agian the game i primarily play NBA2k7 looks better on Ps3.

GTA has been on Xbox… so i figured that was comign to 360

i’ll believe Turismo when i see it…its rumor.
they are stingy with releasing it on PSP & PS3 let alone going xbox.
i heard the same about MGS4 but it was rumor.

others that are ps3 only that i like
the getaway

i don’t think there is one game that i like that 360 only.

again i’m not knocking either system…but Ps3 is better for me.

oh well! my point wasn’t to make an argument thread (although i’m good at that)…

i’ve never heard of the hd-dvd player not being able to play games… being that hd-dvd is a media medium, i can’t see that to be the case… Microsoft did say that the hd-dvd medium was not intended to be used for gaming, so maybe that’s how the misconception of it not working came about?? i’ll try to read up on it though… i know it cannot play cd’s… which is kinda goofy, but i guess they are leaving that to the OEM xbox360 drive. it does come with a nifty wireless remote… does the ps3? also, for the sound options… how does the ps3 output blu-ray audio??? i know the hd-dvd drive lacks:

The player does not offer Dolby TrueHD or DTS-HD decoding, nor is it able to pass through the required high definition audio format to an external decoder.

also, the hd-dvd player can also double as a player for a computer… if you think about it, that’s awesome from the HD-DVD movie ‘backup’ abilities :slight_smile:

we’re not arguing…just posting info comparing…thats all

here is one article about the HD-DVD games PCWorld

the Ps3 does have a bluetooth remote $24.99
only negative is because its bluetooth you can’t program it to control the TV.
it does output blueray sound

sound info: Also of interest to home theater buffs is that Sony has included full 7.1-channel support for Dolby’s lossless TrueHD codec, in addition to Dolby Digital and DTS. The PS3’s platform is fully upgradeable and it’s possible that support for DTS’ lossless audio coding, DTS-HD Master Audio, could be added later. Note though that there is no multichannel analog audio output. If you want multichannel out with support for hi-res audio you need to have an HDMI-equipped AVR or pre\pro, and it needs to be at least HDMI 1.1 or later to be compatible with multichannel PCM, and HDMI 1.3 to be compatible with native digital transmission of the new Dolby and DTS formats.

it is cool that you can use the HD-DVD on the PC…i like how you can use the 360 controller on the PC…cause PC’s have always been lacking in the controller dept. IMO.