XBOX 360 worth it?

Hey guys, I am just wondering if the XBOX 360 is worth the money? I really want one of the new gen systems (I have had my ps2 for like 5 years) but I have heard the PS3 is not worth it (and I don’t want to spend that much anyways) and now I heard news that they had to extend the warranty on the 360 because they are all breaking and it is going to cost Microsoft $1 Billion. Have you guys had trouble with the reliability of your 360’s? I don’t want to buy one for like 500 bucks and then have it breakdown in like a year or two. I want to get something that will last me like 5 years like my ps2.

FYI, they’re lowering the price of the PS3 60GB to $499 this week.

PS3 is worth it in my opinion, plus you can play all your old PS1 and PS2 games and such

i’ve had ps2 for yyeeaaarrsss but just got a 360 today…and so far i like it

take the $500 and put it onto your car. this way you won’t sit around and get fat…
^^ If the link works…this is what ALOT of us are goings thru…wish Id waited for more ps3’s instead of jumping ship…

oh…Iv only had mine for 5 months…now its a paperweight

ive had mine sicne launch and i love it…deff worth buying but makes it alot better if you get LIVE with it also

360 is the shit

go to cd warehouse , get a premium system for 299 used

same got mine in December right after they launched it. I have Perfect Dark Zero, it was and ok game. just picked up Lost Planet, Forza 2 and Dirt. The new HALO 3 can’t wait. yeah I’d say well worth buying the 360.

the only reason why I would buy it is for forza 2

thats 1 of the games that encouraged me to get 360

forza is killing 360’s too…

I bought a 360 last winter, loved it but barely played it. Pretty much the only reason I got it was waiting for Forza.

Well, Forza came out and I loved it. I played it a little bit more, still probably only a few hours a week, then one night I went to turn on the system and got the flashing red light of death. I’m very pissed that a system I barely even used died for no reason.

i had 2 360 systems. my second works fine, had it for over a year or so. play it everyday. the 2nd 1, i sold it to slow camero because it broke…


The newest ones on the shelf have fixed the over heating issues that were killing the first batches of them. In some stores, you can get Cores and Premium with HDMI now too. Plus with the price drops recently they’re a bit more affordable.

That sounds good. I will want the HDMI since my TV has the inputs for that.

360’s have dropped in price to $350 with a 20gig hard drive, the only one that comes with hdmi is the elite which costs $450 it has a 120 gig hard drive, comes with the hdmi cable and is black which looks a hell of a lot better. microsoft has increased their warranties on the 360 to help with the overheating issues. you have to buy the hd drive seperate for 180.00 to watch hd movies.

ps3’s with a 60 gig hard drive is $500 and the ps3 with an 80 gig hard drive and motostorm (pos single player only racing game) is $600. they both can play blu-ray dvd’s, which would be the only reason I’d get one.

I personally prefer the 360’s over ps3’s mainly because of the games available. only a few of the ps3’s are online multiplayer where as almost all the 360 games are online multiplayer. also all future releases that used to be playstation specific are going to be multi-platform now i.e. resident evil and metal gear solid.

i need some time off work before i become a complete nerd…

Actually, they all will have them as soon as all of the stores get their stock in. There are places that already do.

Plus the PS3 is expecting a $100 price cut. Possibly for the holidays or shortly after.

haven’t seen those with an hdmi besides the elites, we just got some in for a deal we are having that are the newest ones which are bundled with table tennis. sony had one 100 dollar price cut already, it might be worth getting if they take another 100 off.

yes, 360 is worth it.

the price, game availability, and gaming network all kick the piss out of PS3.

ask any kid behind the counter at EB which system is outselling the other twenty to one.