Friend Code : 7648 1429 0109 5980
I can’t edit mine anymore, perhapps daddie can add that to the top post please?
FYI For the first time since the early 90’s i am a nintendo power subscriber at the low price of $4 for the year.
Use coupon code: QPON15OFF
Is this stuff really that hard to come by? I picked up my Wii on launch day, walked into Eb games last weekend and bought 2 remotes, and just last night I walked into Gamestop and bought my Dad a Wii. I keep hearing how this stuff is so hard to come by, but whenever I need something, I walk in and get it. Am I just lucky?
Pretty much, Its alot easier now but when i got mine they were sold out in a matter of minutes.
I will when I get home, I have not messed with the wii in a week or 2…damn school is getting in the way
Ha, intro music makes it seem like something exciting is happening.
Lol, nice slideshow feature, basically just rotates all the headlines from the news category you selected, and if something interests you, just click it.
Overall, very nice, lets me have less contact to the rest of the world. Looks like more effort was put into it than some of the other features.
Oh yeah, Add me to your contacts list and send me your Mii’s, I need to get a collection going
news is another nice free added feature
even james kopp is on an headline under national
these slideshow headlines are awesome
I just wish they would sell virtual console games in pack like if you buy 2 get 1 free or if you buy points, you get more proportionally if you buy bulk
anyone get any new games? ever since i beat zelda i have not played it but my mother has been playing a game that i downloaded like crazy. nothing i want comes out till june
I played warrio ware yesterday, I like it a lot but i beat single player in like 2-3 hrs, but I may still have a few tings to unlock, I have yet to try multiplayer on it.
In the game it is fast paced and you have to put the wiimote in certain positions and use it in a certain way depending on what mini game pops up, for example holding the wiimote like a samurai sword at you hip them drawing it fast and slicing a barrel, overall it is just an fun goofy game
id say just rent it, unless multiplayer has some addictive modes, I have only unlocked 1 of the muliplayer games.
Add me to the list. Brad is cool and bought us a wii for the apt.
6378 9256 0622 9292
I added everyone on the list, but do they have to add me for the mii’s to make there way around the consoles?
what about all of the other people that just got wii’s like chino and all of the other threads that have been on the board like wildfire. What are your codes? I want to get a bunch of wii’s in the parade and see how creative everyone else is with it.
20 hitlers?
i have 100 in my parade and only 2 are hitlers, everyone has to have at least one for some reason
mine is: 8259 0520 6997 8034
Just like the Xbox gamer tag thread. Post your friend code and which games you have that work online.
Mario Kart
1955 0220 1625 7693
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
I found these numbers on super smash but it didnt have another 4 numbers.
Super Smash Brothers Brawl