What do you expect me to do! I’m 5’6 135lbs and a computer geek…I can’t fight out side of the internet I’ll GET KILLED!!!
Don’t go down that road…
Its a pretty accepted fact that he does go down that road its nothing new. There is no reason to ban him for a threats.
oh and if you BAN him fry you’ll have to deal with me if you know what i mean
ILC, I think you could take Muscle5.0. He’s just puffy with a high pitched voice. I doubt he does any olympic or compound lifts.
Serious, I’d take ILC, he’s a big enough guy with legitimate strength. Now involve jespo? I think he’d take both of them.
I think the spread would be like…
+140 ILC
-180 Muscle5.0
I like the odds.
LOL this really is a hater thread.
ILC could fuck some people up for sure.
but back to the topic at hand, I beleive that the magnitude of the Hate should definitely be taken into account when voting
LOL at this thread. I’m not getting assault charges cause someone is a hot head
Pussy, you just don’t want anyone to find out about your alter ego as a 00.
I wouldn’t either if i were already facing statutory rape charges
related to hot head.
I was gonna let it go but you guys just keep pushing buttons. How would you be the one to get the Assault charges? Don’t believe everything you hear about me, 75% of this forum really doesn’t know me. I really don’t care what you lift, or what art of fighter you are. I got jumped by five guys once, we all went to the hospital, and I came out with just a broken cheek bone. So seeing as we’re into the odds game at this point, I’d say the odds of you “fuckin my shit up” are slim to none.
I gave you the odds in this fight, not necessarily because of my opinion, but because of the public’s belief. :shrug:
Chill the fuck out. I’m not going to fight you, I don’t give a shit at all who you are. I’ve never had a problem with you.
I seriously don’t give a shit if you can kick my ass or not, we will not be fighting because I simply do not fight anymore.
I have no reason to what ever the outcome is to go to jail or get sued or what not.
Sorry, I misunderstood your post
I wouldnt mind fighting a couple members on this board that abruptly piss me off, that being said I wouldnt mind doing some sort of fight club thingy where the rules are explained before hand.