Pittspeed Is Dead

there fixed it for ya Quik

anyways, thought of all y’all and this lame thread when I was walking the car cruise last night. I saw a couple of pittspeeders floating around, and gave a wave or a head nod. Talk about growing old, I was walking around today with my 15 year old nephew in visiting from VA and my 4 yr old son. I wasn’t thinking about hanging out and racing or meeting up with anyone. I was enjoying good time with my boy, and teaching my nephew about cars. He had a shitload of questions!

A lot of things change, for me it’s been not only family but work and added responsibilities. Working around the house comes before the cars, hanging with the kids come before the cars, and well, shit a whole lot of things come before cars. although I’m up to hang out with friends any night, quite honestly most nights I’ve got shit to do. but I can talk about cars from morning till nights. I enjoy seeing friends, but go to cruises for the cars there, not the people.