Pittspeed Is Dead

fuck jagger he fuckin sucks. Ur post is about half right. I mean u could just say fuck women and having a kid and worry about cars all ur life and when u get old and gray and die alone ull be wishing u had a kid or a wife beside u. I guess some people like living alone but the one thing is my dogs and family can give me alot more then any fuckin peice of fuckin metal can give me.

I think you can have both…

My point was not to completely give up everything U like for your family…do your kids REALLY need every stupid thing their little hearts desire? NO, and they will be better people if they learn that lesson early. Spoiled kids are big trouble later in life…trust me on that one!

U need to balance both what you like/want and your family’s needs/desires.

This thread sucks more the Laura’s quest to lay every man on this site.

I’m not old or married, i’m 25… I like going to car cruises to look at cars and the detailed work that goes into some of the cars. However, I’ll take my car park it… walk around for an hour or so then leave.

Its strange, I like looking at the cars (except the people that take stock junk) but I just laugh at the people that just sit by their cars and wait for people by their car to ask them a question. Parking lot meets are even worse, usually people are stroking themselves off; talking about what they’ve done or going to do to make their car faster than whoever. I built my car for myself… even the build thread on here, I just did it pretty much for myself to document the process. It seems most ‘car people’ are more into what other people think of their cars rather than doing it for themselves.

Mike makes a very good point. When I was a young man I had a few nice rides , then my wife and family told me sell them , grow up buy a house , have kids. I got away from cars for a while trying to chase down what people refer to as the american dream. I ended up right back where I started.Bottom line it makes me happy.Trust me if anyone should walk away from this hobby it is me. Ask my lawyer


So if your saying you should only do what makes me happy then why do I get arrested when I beat off in public???

Pee wee Herman?

there fixed it for ya Quik

anyways, thought of all y’all and this lame thread when I was walking the car cruise last night. I saw a couple of pittspeeders floating around, and gave a wave or a head nod. Talk about growing old, I was walking around today with my 15 year old nephew in visiting from VA and my 4 yr old son. I wasn’t thinking about hanging out and racing or meeting up with anyone. I was enjoying good time with my boy, and teaching my nephew about cars. He had a shitload of questions!

A lot of things change, for me it’s been not only family but work and added responsibilities. Working around the house comes before the cars, hanging with the kids come before the cars, and well, shit a whole lot of things come before cars. although I’m up to hang out with friends any night, quite honestly most nights I’ve got shit to do. but I can talk about cars from morning till nights. I enjoy seeing friends, but go to cruises for the cars there, not the people.

Well, if that’s the only thing in life that makes you happy, maybe you should just kill yourself…thanks…kbye

All can say to that is:

In about 20 years or so, when your wife gets tired of your old lazy ass and runs off with the pool boy, you will still have your racecar.

Oh wait…no you won’t…she’ll probably take it from you in the divorce and the pool boy will get to drive it…never mind!!

Chris Rock: “So you gotta look at OJ’s situation. He’s paying $25,000 a month in alimony, got another man driving around in his car and fucking his wife in a house he’s still paying the mortgage on. Now I’m not saying he should have killed her… but I understand.”

soo you compare sitting in a parking lot with going to hunting camp… then you talk about hunting camp as being gay… well there you go…

if A=B and B=C A=C

aka parking lot= hunting camp and hunting camp = gay sorry asses sitting around. then parking lot = gay sorry asses sitting around

your own words.

WHy dont we all just shut down the parkway and hold drag races like fast and furious? That way everyone is moving at the car meet and not bored.

2nd this.

:rofl: @ the hardasses in this thread




If you’re in your late 20’s or older (not counting the old fucks whos kids are grown), and cars are your #1 priority (not counting the people that own businesses that involve working on cars), so much so that the rest of your life is not progressing… well… that’s not the way I or most people would prioritize things in life, but if it brings you happiness, more power to you.

But don’t brag about that shit like it makes you hardcore or something.

You all are a bunch of fucking retards, there is no right or wrong answer here, just agree to disagree. No one is wrong for spending their time the way they want to. And you arent any less of a car guy if you dont go to meets. You also arent more of a car guy if you go to meets bc I see plenty of fucking retards at places who don’t know dick.


Whatever makes you happy.

i dont think anyone was saying cars should be #1 anyway… i think marriage should be an extension, an addition to ur life, not a game changer.

The Pittsburgh “car scene” is dead? LOL… we host one of the biggest weekly car cruises in the WORLD, have an active local drag strip with packed race days and events (and quite a few other drag strips close by- QCR, Thompson, Steel Valley), have well attended local SCCA events, more custom/performance shops around then ever (including some that turn out some really, really nice stuff), and a wide variety of smaller events/shows/cruises happening every week.

The Pittsburgh “ricer scene” is dead. The “car scene” isn’t. No, we don’t have a giant street racer culture like Tampa or Houston- but we also generally don’t have assholes threatening the public safety by racing in traffic anymore…and that’s fine with me. Maybe as an enthusiast community we just have a little more sense? If you’re looking to park in front of Best Buy at 11PM on a Friday night and setup street races between 15 second turds or do donuts in the mall parking lot Pittsburgh probably isn’t the town for you anymore. In my eyes, this is not a bad thing. If you enjoy…more “mature” car events…Pittsburgh is just fine. :slight_smile:

And if street racing is your thing…it can and does still happen around here- I just think that as an overall group Pittsburgh people are a bit smarter/more discrete about it.

All that said…this site is still dead. :frowning: