HELP with overclocking vista....

I don’t think overclocking will fix the issue here for the following reasons:

-Is this a laptop? Kind of odd it has a celeron M.
-You have some cheapo onboard video setup
-This is reinforced because some of your RAM is being used for this. (You might be able to turn this up in the BIOS, but I can’t be sure if it will help)
-This is why you have a low framerate
-This can’t be upgraded, no amount of overclocking will resolve this unless it involves software based rendering.
-Even if you do overclock it, which is possible via software in some cases this might just cause more problems with near no result in framerate in this case.

And I’m not even going to delve into the way the thread was presented in terms of general computer knowledge, but that isn’t the question presented here.

However I might have a solution to help with this game:
Is this CS 1.6, or CS:Source?