HELP with overclocking vista....

For my desktop I use a Eco-box for work.


2008 =) lol
Acer Aspire 4315
Processor Intel Celeron M
Processor speed 1.73GHz
Bus speed 533MHz
Level 2 cache 1MB
Memory type (RAM) 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300)
RAM expandable to: 2GB
Hard drive speed 5400RPM
Hard drive size 80GB

I have expanded my RAM to 2 gig, actually its 2038 but anyways, it does everything i want it to do for work :tup: at home I have my bad ass desktop,

Overclocking is not new to me, i just cant figure out if its possible in vista? there bios menu sucks ballz and is not very “interactive”

I dont want to turn up the processor speed as much as i want to learn how to dedicate more memory to my video card and speed up my FSB because when i play cs at work I’m getting good latency (18-29) on local servers, but my fps SUCK, never do i get over 40 running by myself, and in “combat situations” i have the lower hand because of my fps (which drop to 15 :tdown:) now my computer at home has no issues, but my work one is kinda getting me pissed…

is there anyone here that can help me out??

Thanks much =)

I’m concerned by the fact that you think overclocking has anything at all to do with the operating system.

Your first mistake is trying to game with a Celeron

Agreed. The only thing an OS might have to say about an overclock is stability in certain areas. If your bios sucks, your bios sucks. They do actually have some programs that you can overclock your hardware through windows, at least in XP they did, but ive always been told to skip those methods and just use bios. And if hes just playing CS, im sure the celeron will be alright.

I don’t think overclocking will fix the issue here for the following reasons:

-Is this a laptop? Kind of odd it has a celeron M.
-You have some cheapo onboard video setup
-This is reinforced because some of your RAM is being used for this. (You might be able to turn this up in the BIOS, but I can’t be sure if it will help)
-This is why you have a low framerate
-This can’t be upgraded, no amount of overclocking will resolve this unless it involves software based rendering.
-Even if you do overclock it, which is possible via software in some cases this might just cause more problems with near no result in framerate in this case.

And I’m not even going to delve into the way the thread was presented in terms of general computer knowledge, but that isn’t the question presented here.

However I might have a solution to help with this game:
Is this CS 1.6, or CS:Source?

Vista has a BIOS menu? weird How do i get to my Vista BIOS menu?

lol yea, i would stay way from overclocking computers if i where you Vandit, you really dont know what your doing if you thing that Vista has its own bios, and think that the overclocking is dependent on the OS. The BIOS of the computer is where the overclocking is done, which is in no way part of the OS. If this is a laptop then you will probably not be able to overclock at all. Laptops are not really made for that. as for the crappy fps your getting, its got built in video meaning your not going to be getting any hardware acceleration, and no game will be happy with that.

lol, try XP
Vista will dry up your celery pretty fast


to just about everyone in here

What kind of video card came with the Laptop thats easily the biggest factor. Overclocking will probably show a little change… but its not going to be that much.

The Video card is the culprit here why you have shitty FPS.

you are probably better off fucking with the settings and going less quality with the textures and what not

Pretty sure that it being a laptop and having shitty video goes without saying. In fact, im pretty sure nobody in here said anything about it being limited by JUST the cpu.

Core 2 Duo

less than 150

Evga Motherboard

75 bucks

Cheap upgrades that you will feel tremendously with overclocking potential

huh? Your Front side bus is directly related to speeding up your processor and memory

but no need to say it, since everyone else already did and no offense here or anything, but it doesn’t sound like you truly know what you’re doing. The last thing you want is an Acer boat anchor

Besides, I wouldn’t try oc’ing anything in a laptop. I’d highly suggest looking through here though. Lots of good information

Thank you to everyone for all your help

  1. I understand my OS has nothing to do with over clocking, although the bios that is being used on my cpu that runs vista is different than the bios used for my desktop for xp.

  2. I also understand that my computer that we are talking about does not have good hardware, although my question still stands, can I turn up my FSB so I can in essence speed up my processor speed and dedicate more memory to my video card?

  3. I play 1.6

  4. I truly don’t know what I am doing, which is why I posted =), although the internal workings of a computer are no mystery to me.

  5. My problem is still that the only hardware upgrades that I can do is add more RAM, I can’t change anything else (or can I?) hence asking about a over clock

  6. As I said before I am not trying to game with a Celeron, it’s just the pos that is in this computer at work =(

  7. Please don’t hose me, I am just asking a question thanks =)

  8. ILCisDEAD, thank you for actually giving me a straight answer, and yes my video card is the culprit here, which is why I ask the question once again, “is there any way to dedicate more memory or speed up my fsb to increase my fps”??

  9. Once again for everyone who did not hear me, I know enough to get me by, but by no means am a computer geek…

Thanks again =)

5.) It is possible. Depending on your motherboard you may be able to upgrade the processor. Also If the video is not onboard, it may also be swapped. More info needed (Manufacturer, motherboard model number, video card onboard?)

8.)Short answer no. Long answer, If the video card is onboard dedicating more memory isn’t going to help. The video is using a portion of your processor, and its just a very inefficient system for max fps.

It is possible that you can increase your fsb, maybe. But even that will provide <%5 gains in your fps.

Its been said a few times, that machine was never meant to run modern graphics intense games. It’s that old polishing a turd adage.

Okay here’s a list of things you can do to make that can potentially make the game run faster for you.

First of all in the video menu of CS 1.6 you can toggle between direct 3D, and Open GL modes. Try both and see what works best in terms of framerate.

Lower resolutions will help a ton on low-end hardward like this run it as low as you can stand it. Also make sure the color quality is set to 16-bit instead of 32-bit.

In the console type the following:

“r_dynamic 0” (Disables dynamic lights like muzzle flashes Pros: Helps framerate in combat. Cons: Makes combat harder to spot)

“r_decals 0” (Disables bullet holes, very minimal boost)

“r_mmx 1” (Old processor extensions, might not work but on old stuff it helped but might not do squat in steam land these days)

“r_detailtextures 0” (Should be off by default but could have a huge impact if it’s on for some reason)

There are a few others but I can’t recall off hand. The dynamic lights being off should help tons though.

thank you fuzzy fish for some reason the “r_detailtextures” was on…

thank you everyone else :tup: