Pittspeed Is Dead

It is, but once you get married and have kids, things do change. You will not want to spend 5 hours on a Saturday in the garage messing with a carb or trying to get a car running. Shit changes when you have a wife and kids but it changes for the better.

it boils down to this you retards, as you get older and move out on your own you have two options, either:

A: use paycheck to do shit to your car that you might drive a few times a week or;

B: pay the mortgage

basically sums it up. for me i will one day have a car to actually wrench on besides your basic maintenence stuff, but that has been put on hold because i decided to dump almost all out our loot into our home…and a crap load of fishtanks lol

Well…at least SOMEONE on here actually GETS IT!!!

Exactly right Bob!!

“15 second?”

I wish…



yeah, getting a wife/kids/house… small shit. Not a game changer. Can’t let that interfere with wrenching on my car.


yug rac a ton era uoy ,siht daer nac uoy fi


so i drove my car 13k last year how many miles did you drive your “race cars”?

16k, multiple trips to NJ, WV, MD, DC, VA, NY, OH, Canada

Been on a bunch more out of state trips so far this year and will be driving it to the LSx Shootout.

And I don’t mind meeting up in a parking lot if friends are there, I could care less about what cars are out.

i sold my car bc my daughter was a little bit more important…so i guess im no longer a car person?

After reading all this retarded arguing in this thread, I feel pretty damn good about myself and the life I live.
I find enough time for work, family and my hobbies.
I have a wife and kids that willingly go to car shows and the races with me.
I don’t live in my parents basement.
I have enough money to pay my mortgage, comfortably support my family and buy stuff for my car.

I never really felt like this was such a large accomplishment until I read the last 8 pages of senseless arguing and ranting.
I don’t give a shit how any one spends their time, but it is possible to have a nice balance in your life.
I’ll go back to lurking now. Thanks.

After reading all this retarded arguing in this thread, I feel pretty damn good about myself and the life I live.
I find enough time for work, family and my hobbies.
I have a wife and kids that willingly go to car shows and the races with me.
I don’t live in my parents basement.
I have enough money to pay my mortgage, comfortably support my family and buy stuff for my car.

I never really felt like this was such a large accomplishment until I read the last 8 pages of senseless arguing and ranting.



15,000 since the end of march this year?

You were never a car person, your a woman.

I went to Canfield last weekend does that mean I’m a car guy ? LOL

so wait…how does it work since you have a vag too?


financially its a big change unless ur someone that doesnt jump into it with debt, knows how to spend wisely, saved some money

well im not in the same catagory as some… i dont constantly wrench and spend money on my cars, my cars are not usually down… my time with them is spent driving them… I have slow cars because i’m pretty responsible with my money and haven’t spent tons of money making them fast. i would say 10-12 hours a week is spent hanging out with some car related activity. thats about half a day a week. If half a day a week is too much time to have to myself then i probably wont get married. The whole reason i am in school right now thou is to take the steps i need to take to get a new job and be able to afford house payments, pay bills etc… etc… any girl that looks at my cars as equity can just keep walking… i built up my collection now so that when i got married it wouldnt take away from anything.

this is seriously the funniest fucking thing I’ve read on Pittspeed in at least a year. :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

So let me understand this, if I don’t have a slow car, then I am irresponsible?

My truck has had the shit pounded out of it for the last nine years/30k miles with little to no troubles on the street. The only major issue I have dealt with is the clutch, and that ain’t bad for this amount of time/miles. Sure it isn’t the fastest thing on the street, but it runs damn good for an old truck. I will also state that I didn’t build it cheap, either (I may have more in my motor/transmission than most have in a whole car). I probably could have gone faster for less $$ (actually most definitely could have), but who cares? If I can afford it, then I can do what I want. I enjoy it and that is all that matters to me.

If I put every last dollar into my vehicle & let the mortgage get behind or my kid didn’t get fed, that is irresponsible. I know a few people who cannot put food on their table, yet still sit in a bar almost every night (most alcoholics would rather drink/smoke all their money away - at least I have something to show for my investment). I am not in any way against occasional social drinking BTW. I am talking about true alcoholics, and probably not anyone that would participate on an online forum.

I can afford to enjoy my hobby, as well as put food on the table for my family. Therefore I will enjoy my hobby for the foreseeable future, as long as I can.

Agreed completely.

I also Agree with Mike (Quik83Z). Just because you get married, doesn’t mean you give up all your personal interests. If you do, then shame on you. A good balance of hobbies/family is a must.