Official "remove Kcuv's Sig" thread


Threats are funny, as long as it stays on the forum and nothing is acted on outside


If that happened we would be leally liable, nuff said

The mods would all be singing a different tune had this happened at UB.


If that happened we would be leally liable, nuff said


oh certainly, you can’t trust people, so its a great idea for you to just say no already.

in a perfect world idle forum threats are funny

I don’t thnk I’ve crossed those line and I recived a sig infraction and banned from using a sig. It was a humorous joke I said to my gf and yes, it was meant for attention, but just for a smile. I’ve seen and read worse things being said on here.

FYI, it read:

Her: " A few more pages then we can go to bed"
Me: " Women can’t read" :confused:

Obviously it was an insult to no one and was qouted to depict a personal experience. I get banned from using a sig now? Lame-O

Meanwhile, it’s ok to let somone have a derranged killer in their sig. :eyebrow:

I agree with you but I think there should be a stop to the word Fggot, its no different than using Ngger

and when newman had his 911 sig? what about that? 3000 people died there, and JoetypeS had political commentary


the “GOD HATES FAGS” and “GOD BLESS IED’s” people only get press for ONE REASON, you pay attention to them, if everyone ignored them they wouldnt do it…

Kcuv- take that fucking shit down you loser.

I didn’t see newmans sig, or the hulk hogan one, but i saw this one. True things happened before, but at some time people gotta grow up, and not be total fucks. Just because I called a girl a slut 3 years ago, didn’t make it right then or now, but now i am mature enough to realize that it was wrong.

well as someone stated already i think Kcuv’s sig should be removed.

can i get an amen?
whos with me?

everyone has an opinion. if you feel the need to rebut this post in this thread, someone equally has an opportunity to support it.

which is the same logic that should be followed in OT. free speech minus what zwarbit said is not allowed.

Wheres the voting?


just say +1 if your with me



this is theoretical but

how about you remove your sig because I believe that the VT thing was just apart of Gods plan and we shouldn’t mourn or care about it.

Since he’s never added anything of value, I just added him to my ignore list. But yeah, to me the sig crosses the line. In the end it’s at the mod’s discretion though. This isn’t a democracy and it’s not a free speech issue. It’s the mod’s house and they get to decide what they want to allow there.


everyone has an opinion. if you feel the need to rebut this post in this thread, someone equally has an opportunity to support it.

which is the same logic that should be followed in OT. free speech minus what zwarbit said is not allowed.


+1 for common sense


Not nice.


well as someone stated already i think Kcuv’s sig should be removed.

can i get an amen?
whos with me?


LOL. you guys are a bunch of pussies.


your sig offends me because i think that he was right in killing those yuppie fucks.




this is theoretical but

how about you remove your sig because I believe that the VT thing was just apart of Gods plan and we shouldn’t mourn or care about it.


Then we form a angry mob and burn your village…next question.

I don’t particularly like it…but i prefer to disagree with a Leaf’s Fan.


(also…just because you don’t like it… look the other way…“freedom of speech”)