Blue decals and a ricey body kit? Yeah the car is slow as hell for a boosted 3.0l too
I’m assuming that’s the one behind lexus?
I haven’t see this Z up close yet.
A black guy in his mid 40’s was driving it
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I’ve spotted this before. Very nice looking though.
Anyone know someone with a white speed 3, has UB parking pass in it…parked next to it on a quick target run on lunch [im gay like that]
I want to lurk transit in the MusTTang and find this F&F all star
Orange mustang cobra with huge fat rear wheels on south western. I was behind you turning onto mile strip and onto the 219.
Your rolling burnout down milestrip seriously made my day!
I often see you in Harlem when I’m on my way to work in the morning
The orange Cobra is a dude named Jason.
Thats my friend Nick’s old car. He traded it for a GSXR. Its not a bad lookong car.
The car is a 91 2.2l na 5speed sunroof car. The hood is 2 tone by the way.
Yellow Integra Type R on Union near Galleria Dr. Had blue wheels and exhaust, didn’t really look like a ITR so I’m kinda skeptical. Anyone seen this before?
He sucks.
Hot blonde girl driving an older Viper on the 90 last night.
Who owns a white Mazdaspeed 6 in the Akron/Clarence area. Followed me down Clarence Center, Salt, Greiner
I may know the guy, was it a dark blue/black speed 6 with a front lip and license plate relocated off to the side?
I’ve seen him to I tried running him. Also the red speed 6 with Rotas is always around if anyone knows him
silver BMW Z8 on the 33 today around lunchtime. Top down!
he said it was white.
White one that was driving from the Newstead area. I’ve seen the car in the area a bunch of times now.
That’s what i get for trying to sneak in some NYspeed at work…silly details lol. Haven’t seen a white speed at any of our local speed hangouts, so im no help here lol