OFFICIAL Sopranos Season 6 Thread

you thought so? i didnt really see any. and i kept rewinding for a good 5 minutes… :rolljerk:

i predict there ending up being a huge gang war with the guy whose name ive forgotten “his family has 200 soldiers in it” or something.

then as tony prevails, he has a heart attack or something

then the anthony jr walks over his dads fallen corpse, picks up his dad’s gun looks off into the sunset or something

Speaking of AJ, WTF is with his haircut?

Usually Tuesday and/or Thursday for the re-runs. Click the GUIDE button lazy!!! :slight_smile:

WTF indeed… What a great first episode. I laughed the fuck out loud when that informant croaked in the FBI car…

BTW, I am collecting Episodes 6 and have all of season 5 on the DL now so if you guys want them, lemme know.

WTF,pretty messed up and depressing.

Next week looks good :tup:

prediction. chuck norris and tony will have a show down

yeah very depressing, totally saw something along the lines of what AJ said happening.

Tony is going to stay in coma

Everyone is going to fight about who is the next boss

Tony dies and everyone get busted by the FBI…end of story

u think AJ has the balls to pull the trigger on Uncle June when he gets the chance

yup, I think so

AJ needs a fucking haircut, who ever heard of an emo guinea.


You know what sucks? Having HBO for the first five seasons, and then not having it for the sixth. Hook me up dogg. :smiley:

sorry, no direct tv for me. i caught the first few minutes that i missed on wednesday at 9. this episode was pretty boring. aj looks like hell. tony does not make a good salesman. and what was with carmella telling tony about how hot he used make her “down there” while he’s in a coma? thought that was a little strange. next week looks good though.

That wont happen,there is episode previews online and it involves him in the plot.

Anyone else notice Carmela wasn’t his wife in his “coma life”? We never saw her, only heard her on the phone. It really sounded like that crazy chick who he had the affair with who later killed herself.

yea i noticed that. it didnt sound like carmella on the phone, and his kids were a lot younger in the coma life.

Coma life = what could have been (I think). It’s not his real life at all. He’s a salesman at a convention, being faithful to his wife. Quite the opposite of his real life.

If you have Adelphia OnDemand (with HBO) you can watch the episode any time starting the day after the premiere.

Or get a TiVo. :slight_smile:

Yeah, it’s his life if he wasn’t in the mob. Although, he did still try to cheat on his coma wife.

i think tony’s gonna come out of the coma and become semi-religious, based on all the religious imagery in the coma dream (ie; the commercial on the tv in the hotel about life death and religion that caught his attention, and the monks fighting with him). who knows though. :shrug: