****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

tonight boys and girls 9pm its semi nice out just dress warm it will prolly get cold tonight


maybe if the weather holds out im not trying to be out side in the rain


anyone else?

ill swing by later and see if anyones there tim hortons will be a must though

I’m down with that if you wanna pick me up though haha


I’d rather drink and work on my bike though. So if i do itll only be for a few :tdown:

yea just call me when you want me to pick you up

woooooooooooahhhhhh no hw?

None due tomorrow :wink: hence the drinking part

very nice very nice now you can come out into the world

fuck the world im staying in the garage fagg0ts!!!

i pushed the VW out and i might have a bonfire in the driveway. Maybe we can cook big franks over the veedub?

that would work


i have to go to SG tonight afterall to get my “Uncle Shrives” sticker

im putting one on lol


Im going to have to get a LOT more made, theyre in high demand


oh ya?

where at???