Oil... how does it work? [split]

Can’t compare a viscosity of the same fluid at different temperatures? I’m done with you, you clearly don’t get it.

W just designates the fact that it was tested at 32 degrees, it doesn’t mean that its an entirely different scale, it’s a designation rating for a different temperature you moron.

Holy shit you’re thick.

It’s like saying you cant compare water thickness when it’s ice, vs when it’s boiling because they are “different fucking ratings” due to temperature :rofl

Let’s make it simple for you. Honey is thick, so we will give it a reading of 30. I put it to 32 degrees F so it becomes less fluid, I should give it a reading of HIGHER AKA THICKER viscosity becase it’s less fluid at 32 degrees.

That would make honey 100w-30 Because it’s thicker at cold then when it’s warm.

They are rating a fluid that’s thicker at cold, with a value that implies more fluidity.