****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

i would hope it outhandled a 3800lb slob of a car , anyways hope to see you there sometime :tup:

is anyone goin to southgate tonight?
good argument speedped.

i would but my exhaust is still on the ground and its not tuned yet, shit i might try temp rigging it just to go up there lol

Hows the ek running? looks good.

it smells,idles and looks like a honda.so i cant complain

lol word

eric why dont u stop talkin and do it ur a fool!!! CKY ur car is nasty dont let this fucking kid wit a motorless car and a grand prix act like he knows wat he is talkin about cuz he doesnt

oh yea and coming from this kid who did a burn out at every single stop aign and light everyday after school and almost rear ended me:spank:

hey lee how have you been?
i thought you and eric were cool

hey man we need to hang out! oh we r cool lol he is just stupid when he gets on the site he thinks he is cool and he isnt lol eric i love u but i hate u at the same time

actualy my car has a motor and its running and you have a riced out v6 mustang :biglaugh:, and i almost rear ended you because we were both going 45 and i was like 30 feet behind you and you slammed on your brakes so how am i a bad driver

but thanks!


me and lee are bffe :loopie: !

yea dude its riced out :nono: and u suck at life end of story

what the fuck are you driving now?
is the ross gone…did you buy an import?

ok off to work its been fun fighting lol… jay ill call u when i get ouut work

if the ross you mean the good ol gp… naw its noit gone yet… my other car is a stinky ta :hang:

ight son

get rid of the GP.sell the ta and buy a old shitbox 240…
and do the swap we have been talking about

yeah i posted it up on craigslist yesterday and already got offers, im tryna find a 240 that isnt in cali but so far no luck