****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

…and you just keep sucking

keep your fucking white trash piece of shit self in south buffalo and don’t go to southgate anymore…

Hows that for an invitation? :shrug::shrug:

going 20 in a parking lot and swerving through signs, good call :tup:

shrives i love you

Well I am planning on swinging by, hopefully with my car… I need to change the oil though.

i tihnk ill swing up for a couple laughs

maybe ill swing by.

Ugh, you’re such a stupid fuck. Try not being a fucking idiot and maybe you’d be more welcome at meets.

if you want to be a ass ill have all my buddies go over there and really do donuts and mess it all up , how would you like that??? im not a asshole so dont try making me seem like one ok!

Do it i fucking dare you you piece of shit…and then have them get out of the car after and we will see who gets the last laugh you mother fucker…

^ lies…ok you arent an asshole, just a piece of white trash…your car club name has one word right “deuce”…as in “i took a deuce that looked better than speedpeds car” or “i wonder if i left a big steaming deuce on his hood, if he’d even notice”

you may not be an asshole, but you sure are a d-bag

EDIT: DAMNIT BRYAN! WTF?! lol posting above me n shit…jerk face :wink:

honestly i think theyed get the last laugh

the point im tryign to make is im not a asshole, so dont accuse me of doing assholeish things or ill actually do asshole things,

hehe…in for the drama…

are you fucking kidding me!! well lets see than d-bag have your Boys come do burnouts at sg then have them stop and get out of the car…we will see for sure…
you deff dont know who i am or what im about i will fucking destroy you dude try me…you pick the date and time

and keep running your mouth its just going to make it worse for you in the long run!!!


honestly idc, i dont like being accused of doing stuff i didnt do, thats like me saying you went to the caz car show and did burnouts in the grass then left


hey butch have you punched any windows out on a punks car lately? we may require your assistance :lol:

and if you wanna do “assholeish” things (btw, nice made up word you illiterate piece of trash) i know SOOOOOOOO many “assholeish” things i could do so that your car would never run again with that motor, and the best part is you would never even know it til you got in and tried to drive…i would only need about 15 seconds or so…watch who you talk shit to like big b said…

WE KEEPS IT REEL! NAH MEEN!?!?! <— lol that made it sound more “hood”

L O FUCKING L at your avatar jim…BOB ROSS IS FAWKING AWESOME! lol…“we’re gonna paint a nice, happy little bush over here, yea that looks good…and a quiet little stream right through here…there we go…” hahahahaha

i never talked shit!!, i said i didnt do donuts, i wouldnt do that because i wouldnt want to ruin you guys spot. i said after beign accused that if i wanted to i cud ruin it but i wont do that because its not right, if you consider that shit talking then idk because i dont consider it that

and yes, bigb i do know who you are, when i went up to kmart when t/i met up there when my friends were there i was told who you were, thats why id rather not be a dick and ruin your spot or make u mad at me