2nd degree burns arent but 3rd degree ones are! maybe you should have let the fire burn a little longer that way we could joke about it…
lol oh man
FUCK! this is what happens when i start to hang out with nitroinsane all the time…i get really really really mean and hateful…oh well, its for a good cause!
wtf speedped dude your done the next time i see you… u better hope i never see you…i told you along with many others just stfu and stop talking your making yourself look dumb and everyones hate for you is growing bigger
idc i find it funny everyone gets all mad and i just sit here, sorry im just really bored … sorry bigb
that was not official…you have to say waht cory told you to say to be official and if your so goddamn board read a fucking book or go play in the street at night and make sure you wear all black
and dude not to be a dick but it must suck knowing that alot of ppl diss like you and dont want you comin around…so dont just say u think its funny and u just sit there cuz really deep down it prolly hurts you just fucking man up say your sorry stop being a little punk ass bitch and dont talk shit and everything might get better for you
i love you guys lol
ugh…how did i miss all of this drama?
in for the epicness.
fucking do it then. you probably have three or four friends MAX. they are probably also poor like yourself, and one wheel peels in a bunch of fucking shitbox camaros isn’t going to get us kicked out.
And bring your 17yo friends to fight big b this weekend, i would fucking love to see a bunch of beanstalk trailer-park faggots try and kick anyones ass. You and your gay little car club are a fucking joke.
Your cars are lame. They show how poor you really are. You probably collect food stamps. You aren’t welcome by anybody that goes there. Don’t try and apologize to try and make up for being a fucktard a few pages back. Your apologies will not give you a warm welcome at SG.
:jawdrop: jesus h. christ shrives! lolololol :rubicant:
i think shrives just ended everything…done with
uhh so noone was there and I felt like a retard driving my expired inspection, RETARD LOUD car there for no reason. I hate you all.
Maybe not… but still…
Eh, don’t count on that happening :lol:. Over at nyfbody the mods had to ban him (super unheard of on that forum) for being a relentless, clueless, annoying fuck.
If you want to be a stupid ass kid that’s into cars, then fine. Lurk, search, watch, and learn. Trying to prove your point to long standing members of the local car community isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Swerving in between parking lot signs at SG is fucking stupid. Nobody’s impressed with your piece of shit (it is) 3rd gen Camaro. I don’t even go to SG really anymore, or really talk to most of the regulars there, but that’s fucked up that you’d go there and pull that shit. That’s their spot to hang out, and you obviously can’t respect that. I know that if you pulled that shit a couple years back, you’d have bigger problems than a couple kids talking shit to you over the internet, that’s for sure.
Drove past twice, would have stopped had I saw you.
if you wanna be such a hard ass me and you can handle it one on one how about that tough guy but im pretty sure B can handle all of you why dont you just stay home you and your boys can suck eachother off while trying to figure out who can go 20 mph through signs the fastest and have their tires grip the whole time! you FUCKING BLOW cock more than your mother and believe me im there at least 3 times a day she sucks a lot of cock and that speaks a lot for you
ahh… wake up… check e mail… check Nyspeed… see this… its going to be a damn good day