****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

deff dont remember posting that last night

brian your nothing ill take you… out for ice cream

There should be an age 18+ check and maturity test in order to post in this thread.

PS: Most of you would fail btw.

im not poor, not on foodstamps, and no one wheel peels, and stfu

wow speedped, stop ure bullshit… this is the SOUTHGATE thread, not Im a FAg thread… go make ure own rant thread towards ure enemies… seriously, quite the bullshit, this is a meet thread… WTF ALREADY… I HAVENT EVEN READ THE LAST 3 PAGES CUS I KNO ITS ALL BULLSHIT… i come here for meet info… not to read how gay everyone thinks u r and to read about how everyone hates u… seriously STFU in this thread already unless its southgate meet related…

Hey, I came by tonight in my Scion with my friend driving, and the asshole wouldnt stop when we drove by, and instead tried to be cool and misshift 2nd gear as we were leaving making me look like a retard… sorry.

ya we heard lol…but we were not there for a car meet everyone was jus meeting up to go out to this kids land for a huge party

Ohh, bad ass. I was wondering what that weird circle of cars/people was.

yeah what happened to “eh lets all meet up at 11:30” i left sg at 12:30 and it was just me,my gf,eric,jamie,wayne,bill and 2 random girls.

2 random girls/.??? where was i?


two random ugly girls that i would never have sex with ever

<< first in line to stand on SpecialEd79’s throat

seriosuly, him being an idiot is nothing new…

heres some wonderful speedped moments i have had in the past.

I told him id leave him alone if he stopped making useless posts. Looks like that deal just ran out





And it goes on from there


kill yourself :tup:

Thanks for stepping up and giving me competition :tup: lol

Now I must hate harder…

you both like bothering me so mabe yous 2 should be butt buddy speedped humpers? i mean really yous go out of your way to talk shit ot me yous must like me or something

was just there and we got kicked out :lol:

yep, pretty lame

what happened?

I love you both lol