****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

ok so if anyone cares we (4doorbabe and I if you will) will be coming next week friday (6-20)for a SG meet… i want to take a ride to JIMS STEAK OUT fig we can work out a “walk” or something

Thats awesome.

CKY, Thanks for the infor on the V//'s owner, I appreciate that. Really really nice. I was just pissed that my car fucked up.

lol especially near sg.

:bsflag: gimme a call/txt i dont have your number anymore since i broke m y phone and they could nt tranfer any numbers over! we gotta hit up the diamonds this weekend im hurting lol

mike next friday is no good man…the taste of country is that day i wont be able to make it to sg which means i cant see you lol :frowning:

ehh i will MISS YOU SO MUCH …well im going this day b/c i have never been to a “JIMS” and would love to go and try it… im sure there will be something else a diff day dont you worry

then buy a radar detector or dont speed? the police station is like a half mile from sg, theres bound to be cops around

im in third place now it kinda sucks :meh2:


i have to pay my speeding ticket on monday which is for a 60 on a 35 and i have to pay 150

whered you get pulled over? my buddy just got a 53 in a 35 in west seneca and didnt get no ticket price just a date of court im jw how much he might have to pay

WS is a bitch, good to know the town supervisor tho :slight_smile:

dont talk to me you suck

is that ur baby pic in ur pro?

no its you and your sisters baby you fucking white trash hick

i didnt ask for anyone to be sorry. yea im so stupid just llike the other 50 people that fucking ripped out of there…yea 60 mph is deffffinattlyy pinned to the floor

fucking kiddies throwing hissy fits

monkey see, monkey do?


listen here daddys little bitch, just because your most likely a little rich boy who couldnt survive without the help of daddy, come talk some shit where i live and lets see where that gets you:spank:

south buffalo right? thats funny i grew up there…and another thing i dont get any money from my parents im always around west seneca so if you see me then try something if not stop trying to act like a badass on the internet . you fucking suck