****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

im sure you can all appreciate my frustration:deadhorse2:

change your sig

Trust me I’ve gotten alot of BS tickets so far, but only 2 were speeding and one was only 11 ( technically 6 over ) the other was a imprudent speed ticket b/c he heard me “gun my car”


fhashfahdf do you think ill get it reduced…and to what?

you not the worst noob that evenwhity is fo sho but runner up is not a bad gig :bigclap:

first time? how’s the record looking?

usually if you plead not guilty depending on prior history they usually do a few parking tickets ( $150~ ) and if its bad maybe driving school…

Either way, no points :tup:

150 u think that much…:ohnoes: that fucking sucks

I have yet to get like a full charge for a speeding ticket, but I’m assuming it’s alot more… plus points on your license, and depending on how many your insurance goes up.

i have 2 points on my liscence as of now…will that play a huge factor?

wtf? mike lay off the E (the red pill lol)

What happened to the imprudent speed ticket? I have court for that in tonawanda on monday…

well good luck with the teg every cop in buffalo and west seneca and a few in o.p know my old car so they might cut you a few breaks but dont push your luck haha:D

if the cop is a no show it will most likely get thrown out

b help me with my fucking ticket u bitch:hitit:

I hope so. and for all the judge knows he just gave us that ticket cause we were out at 4am. I hope it’s a no point violation. I’m close to losing my license as is.

ill talk with popa bear if he ever comes home ill let u know

yea dude if you can help me out…god dam i try to hang with the s.g crew and i am getting majorly pwned.:fail:

haha it wont be looking the same for very long my friend…

hopefully at least

Uh no.

You were speeding, fucking deal with it.

Nobody feels sorry

If you can’t handle that, maybe next time you go “wot” you will think first? Union road is loaded with constant police, stupid.