****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

ill be there ! speedped that is not a welcome to you

thats why i got a family sedan :slight_smile:

i might swing by if im not boosin.

thats fucked up bagz, do you really want to start with me?

cars not running correctly so ill be tuning today

anyone goin??

I’ll stop in for a bit.

im heading up

pretty good turnout.
hope everyone got a kick out of me riding a bike for the first time LOL

WTF i missed this. video/pics?



yea u took about the widest turn possible lol

oh hush. i tried to lean into it and i thought i was gonna tip that 650lb pig LOL.

haha I give you credit man. I prob woulda fell over/ stalled it bad.

^^ lol nah it’s not THAT bad. I’d prefer to wear a jacket and helmet next time so I feel a little safer.

WHOS GOING TONIGHT? I’m gonna head to the carnival after work and then over to this place. Hopefully I’ll be there 1030ish.

let’s get a real meet going.

if its not raining i might stop by, looks a bit cloudy over here

haha you and your fucking jail bait, ill swing by and stop if i see people :meh2:

ill probably go to sg tonight, btw carnival fuckin sucked. but there is the fireworks tonight atleast

neone up at sg??