****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

it wont be that big b/c i am not there

zomg eric got his sig back!

hahah yayyy

So this is what southgate has resorted to? Milk chugging?


lol sorry i just got home sorry if gizmo humped you and came all over you lmao

stoped by… been awhile for southgate meets… felt like an old mighty meet…
nice meeting you all…

whats goin on tonite?? if it clears up

qoh then sg?

sounds good to me what time?

i wouldnt be able to show up probably until after 11 or 12, depends if others will come

4doorbabe and I are here with cky89

anyone heading up?

I think i will…

Leaving now.

ok les go bitchs … come on I’m here


I wanna

dont be that guy… i was there firday and … no… its cooler to look at jail sluts…

see ya latter hun:wave:

way to call me :frowning:

we did and you guys were at QOH… and said you will be in a lil while… we stayed till 12 then left

:frowning: i will see yous this weekend :slight_smile: