****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

<3 …

ill swing by tonight around 10 to see if anyone is there

ill go if anyone else is

few vids from tonight are up

saw you cruiseing home… from SG i think… you looked at me funny (red Jetta Black Bumper, HID’s (well one ones burned out))

I got on the 400 you and a mustang (black one in sig?) where heading north up Union

lol yeah you were behind the bike… i did the cruise around union-french-transit-400-union… boreddddd

ya i did a loop it was more 400 to 20a to 90 to 290 t0 190… but I was working why i was in the beater… :confused: would have tryed to play if I had more then 90hp lol…

lol i saw lights in my rearview, looked over and was like oh, jetta lol :slight_smile:

GOOD RUNS :tup::tup:


Tonight 9pm

I’ll head up for a while

i think i might swing up for a lil tongiht…it might be one of my last few days with my car :frowning:

what time?

9:30 ish

who’s going tonight???

i wanna go.

i may go

ps- good meet last night there was a shit ton of people

Ill swing up after some food. Ill have the truck tho, oh well

Siiiiiiiiiiq. I owe ya a beer from last time too.