****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

nothing will happen, ive been there before, no one talks to me thats it, thats why i dont go, i will one day when a few people i know go

nothing will happen, ive been there before, no one talks to me thats it, thats why i dont go, i will one day when a few people i know go

I dont know you but ill chat it up with you playboy

ill pass im going to bed gots work at 630

what day do you all go up there??

God you suck at being a human being.


theres usually people there almost every nite

middle schoolers, chicks i would never bang, and little kids all dig the fbod

im def gonna have to sell it

dude stfu you have no idea…

Fucking rain.

i went by last night and didnt see anyone i knew… kept going

I noticed…


Might stop by, but its probably going to suck like it always does recently.

meh. last night was decent.


Leaving Now…

Yea its not as good as last year but you have no room to talk seeing as you came once this year

Huh? I was there probably 5 or 6 times this year. Most of the time there was 3-4 people there and everyone got bored and left right away.

95z28 and i are looking for some runs tonight if any one quick wants to show up around 10 - 10:30