****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

Bill I’ll give you a run.

I want a real race sorry.

100 meter foot race? c’mon!

bill would pwn you

Meh I ran track and xc foo

yeah but bill has a beard and is shorter so he is more area dynamic plus he has shorter hair

he’s also wider. I can turn sideways and disappear.

yeah but then if you had your back turned he could snuff you and win

1 way to find out

i will be by around 930 ish

ill roll up there but steve u going to be up there?
rhd style

omg yes!
must drive! lol.


whoa steve lets not mess our pants now :smiley:

Herd there was a decent amount of ppl that showed up tonight? If so keep it up! Cant wait to get down there after my car is finally finished! :smiley:

fun night :tup:

^^^ post up that vid i wanna see how it looks

Best turn out in a while. Got to see some serious power races for once!

vid is up

why didn’t you guys tell me something cool was going to happen? i shouldnt have left.