****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

if it doesnt rain. and i dont go to the movies AGAIN. i may stop by.

9:30ish it is. Ill make a appearance.:slight_smile:

ill go after taffys, gotta pay for the bbq

pretty good turnout

Well it is pretty shitty out now, but I am in town and willing to go to here or mighty…

I dont know… maybe ill show?


pretty good turnout


yea wasnt bad… congrats on your purchase BTW

uhh, how early do you guys go there!? I drove by at like 9 and didnt see anyone.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:1328,topic:29171"”]

uhh, how early do you guys go there!? I drove by at like 9 and didnt see anyone.


Nobody shows up until 10 or later, reguardless of what time they say theyre going to show… And i didnt go tonight…

people are still going to this??? lol

funny how i move 10x closer to this and i come 10x less now

somebody call me if anything is going on this week, i hardly check the site anymore

im goin tonight


food, then ill be there… 9:30-10 ish…

just drove by… empty

i went last night, nobody was there

I was there earlier, bunch of ricers shwed up and then left shortly after…

And by ricers i mean i saw them before, but dont really know who the are…

actually going tonight leavin now


ill swing by a bit after 10 possibly… im soo busy thoush

eh… then screw it…