****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****


i read that like 3x before i realized that you just like the Return key, and that it’s not going to rhyme anytime soon


edit pwns you. I suppse I didnt even realize I was doing it.


LOL… Yea, and i like …'s… EVERYWHERE!..


who the fuck is this tool?

fuckin n00bie

i mean come on zomgvtek? seriously. must be a fag



who the fuck is this tool?

fuckin n00bie

i mean come on zomgvtek? seriously. must be a fag



You know you love it…

Now go sit in the corner…


You know you love it…

Now go sit in the corner…


i do.

and me and my car, and your car will go sit in the corner and all be slow together.:violin2:

this season sucked! better luck next year!

[quote=“Big B,post:1385,topic:29171"”]

this season sucked! better luck next year!


what do you have in mind car wise for next year? i saw your old teg at hybrid earlier :frowning:

anyone going this friday evening?

im gonna swing by now, see whats up

edit: holy shit nevermind, fuggin downpour

there was something going on down there with fireworks.

Im glad i waited to head out tonight because i was planning on the ninja/no drinking.

But now i can drink my face off yay

anyone meeting up tonight?

Maybie i will…

i may

was there waited,drove around left. we should have an official day so its more organized.

Ok. I have a night class til around 9 tomorrow. I know weeknight meets are tough but
Ill stop in for around 10 to see who passes/stops in.

Any fellow ricers showing up?

Our combined vtek powaz can pwn any V8!

i might swing by around 9:30-10… depending on whos going


what do you have in mind car wise for next year? i saw your old teg at hybrid earlier :frowning:


only time will tell my friend, only time will tell!

i might show tonight just because i miss woody





ok yup sounds good ill see ya at 10