****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

anyone going tonight?!?!? for real??

i will be there at 10 o clock p.m. and wait for like 10 minutes if noones there im leaving

ill be at the mighty on nfb till i dont know when but i will swing by there when i am coming home.

leaving now…

ill be ther at 10 tonight


ill be ther at 10 tonight


you deff going nick?? ill stop up @ ten if ppl will be there

ya im goin


eh i would stop up but im too damn lazy to move my DD lol

ill be ther 10 again even though my cars at hybrid

ill be ther at 10

I was just there at around 11 for 10 mins and no one even drove by really… Just thought id make the effort.

does anyone go anymore?

it was fun earlier this season.

Ill drive past around 9 tonight… See who’s there.

any one going tonight?

i may bring the hatch out

i’m leaving now…i will swing by…bill call me if you go

went to mighty last night in kevs hatch it was a good turn out u guys should go up there for the last few weeks of the season sg is only banging when i got there lol

going tonight neone else going?

I think ill swing by around 10…