****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

First official pre-summer meet at SG tonight sunday March 30th at 7pm untill ??? there will be a race between 2 individuals…

my car isnt even on the road yet let alone runnin.:frowning:

yea same here, unless… i take the mothers camaro

lame. not going

y not???

if im around i will stop by for a second, but i have tons of shit to do tonight.

in for tonight

glad to see some interest, ive talk to some other people too, and there should be a good little turn out for tonight…

i definitly miss the sg crew. if i can get out later ill definitly check this out. 50 degree weather ftmfw

its not 50 anymore, gettin chilly. I might stop by

yea i kno supposed to get chilly…thats why its happening a bti earlier…but im just gonna dress warm…

anyone else im leavin in a few ill be there around 7

probably the biggest meet ever lol

it was nice to see all of you again… everybody seems to disapear over the winter.

yea, that was a nice big meet for the first time… wasnt expecting that much… good runs, and good times…

who are you

Drove past for a minute, saw a shit ton of cars out.

fill me in on who ran?

dam it why the fuk couldnt i have been there, i need a beater so bad

me and the b18c1ek…