Because I’m a complete post-whore and I because Samuel L. Jackson makes everything better, I am starting the official “there are motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.”
I can’t wait to see this movie.
Actually, I can’t wait to see how Samuel Jackson uses the word motherfucker (and its variations - motherfucking, motherfuck, etc) in reference to a snake. Remember in Jurassic Park when he got eaten by the motherfucking raptor? or that movie with LL Cool J when he got eaten by the motherfucking shark?
Any movie with Samuel L. Jackson that doesn’t have him saying motherfucker, is a wasted opportunity. Imagine if Mace Windu called Count Dooku a motherfucker?
um yea, idkwtf ur talkingabout, snakes on a plane, but now your just alking like a CRAZY mothahfuckah…hahahorry had to
I wish this was a real movie. 
I hope everyone who reads this thread realizes that this is a REAL MOVIE.
Its about Samuel L Jackson being some kind of law enforcement agent that is escorting some witness across the country in a plane - so an assassin releases thousands of snakes on to the plane - thus the title of the movie.
Just based on the premise, this needs to win an academy award. :tup:
The traier to this movie is the funniest shit ever, the CGI snakes look funny as hell.
incase anyone wants in… Me and my roomates made a facebook group a few weeks back