OG ubrf picture

haha i didnt even notice that. much better actually, belbers fake tits, purchased at daytona.

as seen here in ubrf ‘would you hit it?’ poll.

modeled by matt (sorry matt)

i would totally hit it x 10

that is one of the all time best photoshops, ever.

matching of faces with poses is perfect.

is that raven in the blue/grey shirt?

it is

lol, ninja bewbs

OG’s up in this :tspry:

has anyone seen the towagASS at all? me and evolve were talking about him the other day…

I recognize at least half, but not all.

i see prince william

scott in the bottom right, cant see the girl very well.

from bottom left, clockwise:

joestypes, ninja matt, jared, towaga, redline, schrodiggity, raven, belber, fnkmaster, schrodiggitys (ex) gf, scott, h2fov

there were a lot more people there but I didnt take many pics that night.

i knew joe, raven, towaga and i recognize the guy with finger/piercings but who was that?

thats marc, h2fov

he moved to virginia or something.

HOLY OG Members

you still are a fat fuck

and yes i was having sex … with girls at the time :wink:

I was able to name more then half of the people pictured. Do I get a cookie?

lolol I remember those pics.

awww man, those were the days…


yea. i dont see myself going to any meets anymore, but i had a good time back then

In before pic of Howie in his blue shorts