Aaron:what’s ur email
Kevin:and i just sat down and a ketsup packet broke in my pocket
Kevin:im pissed





lol fag

and i had nothing to throw here, all my anger is pent up




i cant stop laughing at this…cause i could see you SOOOOO fucking pissed off and just want to throw things EVERYWHERE…and if anybody asked you what happened or if ur ok, you just flipping out on them

im in my corner not talking to anyone for now.

Hey Kevin, we’re like blood brothers? /superbad


it took me a second to recall that one lol.

hahahaha i can just see him tweaking on everyone!!


LOL @ the chairs

don’t…remember this part

Dude dances with some chick at the party, but she is on her period and stains his jeans. Her psychotic boyfriend sees him and wants to strangle for dancing with his broad. He replies “uh… looks like we are blood brothers”

is ketchup the new code red of 2008??

hahaha, yeah twom just informed me

i havnt moved since, im letting it dry then ill calm down.

lol, im going to call and requested detailed pictures of a bus.

ehh, ill pawn that off on someone else at the moment.