Late Night Text Messanger

<CHEEKS>The GN Went down last night by 3 cars

<F-B-A> Nice so wheres your Plate Frame

<CHEEKS> Gotta beat Slo now, thats goona be even harder

<F-B-A> Thought you were the KING of RT.8

<CHEEKS> I guess I am… Slo’s car isn’t on Rt.8 right now

<F-B-A> Well How are you the KING of a country when all you do is fight in other countries. Shouldnt te rules be that you have tofight on your own turf

<CHEEKS> Pretty much… Feels good to be king

<F-B-A> My point is you are KING of 79 or wherever you been racing…

<CHEEKS> Exactly

<CHEEKS> How old is your sister

<F-B-A> which one I have 3

<CHEEKS>Any of the graduate in 05-06

<F-B-A> Nope, a cousin, Felicia, 03-04??

<CHEEKS> any ericas in your family?

<F-B-A> Nope why

<CHEEKS> Just Curious

<F-B-A> Seem Obsessed

<CHEEKS> Maybe… or I was just asking a question

<F-B-A> A question or muliple questions similar to obsession

<CHEEKS> or it was just a simple question or a series of questions pertaining to a girl named Erica, who graduated in 05 and was asked by a bystander if she was related to you

<F-B-A> and How did she reply? and how did she look, cause if she looked good then we are probably related, if shes nasty then probably not.

<CHEEKS>She was 140 and balding… looked alot like you…

<F-B-A> at least she wasnt short and 285 looking like you…

<CHEEKS>That was almost as funny as your sex life, and did Burnyyd help you with that comeback

<F-B-A>as funny as it may be, i have a sex life, unlike the recipient of this message

<CHEEKS> your right/left hand doesnt count as a sex life sorry buddy.

PS let the e fight begin

<F-B-A> excuse me nacy, I have evidence that proves i’ve had sex at least twice in my life, you my friend have no such proof.

E-Fight?? you would start one while im no where near a PC

<CHEEKS>e-fight on phone skinny, and 2 boys mean you are a quiky not speaking much for your “sex life” huh? haha

<F-B-A> Sprinting or marathon either way its more ass than you pull

<CHEEKS> Below the belt keep the gloves up

<F-B-A>how is that below the belt? Basically what you are saying is “Good line, I have no comeback, so I’m calling the last comment cheating” Right is that what you are saying

<CHEEKS> You Just about hit the nail on the head there

<F-B-A>Hahahaha, your weak, maybe you should contact pewter for a sleeping smilie :ZZZ

<CHEEKS> I want to find a smilie who is bald but wears a hat all the time to civer it up??

<F-B-A>oh, thats an easy one type in…
:imafagbutiactstraightandiliketobuymycarsratherthanbuildthem: and that should give you what you want

<CHEEKS>awsome I just tried typing that in and 404 funny not found came up???

<F-B-A> :repost

<CHEEKS>I feel like im talking to schimeder… you guys spell about the same

<F-B-A>okay i feel like im fighting with newchic, next youll be asking me how old i am.

<CHEEKS>no need to ask your hairline says it all

<F-B-A>well hair cant be right, causei know your a fag but that hair around your mouth and the shit that comes out says your an ass hole, and i dont go by that…

<CHEEKS>ouch, appearantly what i heard was right, when ppl get old they’re hair geos in thier head and out other places. I guess that dirt patch on your face posing as a beard had to come from your head huh?

<F-B-A> oh ya?


<F-B-A>ahhh, Ya, i got nothing, you win, i guess you are king of donkey kong now to…

<CHEEKS> it feels good to be king

<F-B-A> thats yopur moto, like burger king, which you also are

<CHEEKS> you awake yet?/

<F-B-A>i been why?

<CHEEKS> because im coming to kick your ass

<F-B-A> at my house?

<CHEEKS>Yeah im goona knock on your door and when you answer your getting beat up

<F-B-A> ya, ok, ill be waiting there fat man…

<CHEEKS> Im goona break your skinny ass in half

<F-B-A> Like I said, ill be waiting, i dont even wana know why, ill just bbe paitently, awaitng the eathquake of your chubby ass walking up my driveway…

<CHEEKS> i dont need a reason, im taking a shower now and teh coming up, ill look for a riceburrner in the driveway

<F-B-A> Rice, finds rice, and a shower, i guess i still have 10 hours before the quake

<CHEEKS> only earthquake i see happening is you shaking due to the advent of me coming to whoop your ass. im goona beat that dirt off your face

<F-B-A> Ya, your right. I am scared.

that you might bite me, thinking im food…

<CHEEKS> so apparently (blank) wants to race me on street tires

<F-B-A> I guess that that’ll make u king of the autobahn then huh,

<CHEEKS> possibly, Then i can be KING of the world

<F-B-A> Ya, you and quik, your heads are about the same size now

<CHEEKS> NO CHANCE, im goona bring him back to earth next

<F-B-A> Your goona wish you hadnt left your oil catch can in the middle of the garage.

<CHEEKS> Thats not right… im not there to defend myself

Get a life,u DO know there are other forums to post in other than here right?


do me a favor, duct tape your penis to your ass hole and go watch barney till your little pecker penitrates your buckeye.


Go fuck yourself…

Don’t be jealous casue my cock doesn;t look like a TICTAC:stick:



I cant believe you would think that anyone would read/care about that/you.

Tictacs dont have bumps on them, so your right yours doesnt look like one…

So glad you could grace this thread with your unbelivable presence.
Please choke on the next cock that you get jammed down your throat, you faggot. :bj:

darkstar > you rt 8 faggots

This thread should be erased,as well as F-B-A’S membership…

:itr41: :gaysex: < wat chaz and cheeks do in the back office

Speak english u lil fucking oreo



so cheeks beat a high 11sec ride on rte 8? remember anything can happen on the street. take it to the track bitches

i bet that GN 60’s you like crazy and then some

text messaging is fucking retarded…
why type for a half hour which could be spoken in 5?
and who the fuck carries on a conversation for over 10 mins in text messaging, let alone with another man… I sence high levels of gayest in those text messages.
You start the thread topic as “Late night text messages” Like its some 1 in the afternoon hit drama/love show. "On today’s show, Chaz breaks away from his 8 month marriage to fine his absolute true love, his highschool bully…

I can see the flashbacks in the show now… Showing how cheeks used to beat you up in school then later found out that all that pushing and shoving around was just his way of expressing his feelings towards you. (Which later slowly progressed into bondage and slight case of beastiality)

Cliffnotes of tomorrows show:

You both grew older together and slowly grew apart… (Slightly because the old farm where you two used to meet up with after school was sold to housing developers and their were horses no more)
Few years later cheeks left town to follow his passion for lime green mitsubishi’s and paul walker look-a-likes. As Chaz opened a “BASS” shop, later finding that bussiness isnt too good when you dont carry any nightcrawlers, shiners, or little hula poppers.
Cheeks and Chaz suddenly run into each other one night at a AAA, In which cheeks was swapping titles for a car that was :v8killer: so they exchanged numbers and went about their ways…
Weeks go by, Then one night, Chaz was sitting at the computer trying to search for gay beastiality on streetfire to remind him of his childhood times and having no luck when the phone rang… It was cheeks! They decided to go to the bar and have a few drinks…(few drinks turned to 23 drafts a peice and a few shots of whiskey) So on their way home on rt8 they spotted another old farm, out of pure joy they decided to strip naked and skip thru the fields searching for the horse stables… Needless to say their were none, it was a sheep farm… So they settled for the next best thing and found the nearest cliff.
But Something happened that night… as they both were holding hands trying to push the sheep off the hillside they looked into eachothers eyes and saw something… It was true love…
The next morning Chaz’s newly wed came home from a business trip to find her husband, cheeks, and two sheep laying in bed with peanut butter smothered on each others nipples (including the sheep). She leaves him with no intent to ever come back…
Many years later Chaz still has his “BASS” shop on Rt8 and Cheeks decides to become a farmer, also patroling rt8 in a blacked out 240 striking fear into the eyes of other homosexuals seeking true love with bait shop owners. Giving him the name KING of Rt8.

:confused: ya u suck…

High 11s ride:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

so i guess his car is in your sites…:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

last i spoke with him he was high 11s and why you laughing? you actually think you have something for cheeks?

I think my little 346 will not have any problems.