attn: BurnyD

Just in the event you havent noticed at this point in your life…

  1. You are the gayest a human could ever be, in fact you are more gay than ANY LIVING THING could ever be.

  2. You are FAT, and not like 5 or 10 lbs fat, I mean Like fucking fat, like when you walk past my 93 NX you set off the alarm,

  3. You smell Like Taco’s , and not like that “Hey I work at taco bell” smell, but more along the lines of, “All I ever eat is tacos” kinda smell

  4. You Drive a chicks car, not like a VW cabrio kind, or a new VW Bug with the flowers in the dash, but Like the MR2 kind, ahh wait that is exactly what it is.

  5. You are a shit stirer, I mean Like whenever you talk its complete bile discharge from your mouth, and not like the gingavitus English rotten teeth smell, but llike diarea of the mouth, it just keeps on running.

  6. Which brings me to your breath, Your breath smells like you ate nasty salty balls, with a side of tarter sauce, and A glass of vinger.

So again I say to you “BurnyD” DIAF, yours truely First Bass…

tell him how you really feel, don’t hold anything back

Yes this is all because you went to eat with Heather and couldnt ever have the curtiousy to invite me…

Burny, did you get what you swore you’d get or do you owe me 50 bucks…

Good thread, what a piece of shit. I’d love to see him cruising around in that MR2 like a fucking sardine trapped in a can. Good thing it’s got T-Tops…

I called you , you were just to busy slobbing over cheeks weener. With all 2 of his broken ass cars… and 2 of your broken ass cars. And too busy efighting with sonny. Dont hold anything back… I meen come on now I am happy the truth comes out…This is a pathetic reply to a efight yes I know but its late and I am still working on a paper. I will give the real fight when I see you next time because your now dead bitch.

hrrrmmm good one way to pick on another gay car you fag. Your car is slower and gayer… cool color who picked it out richard simmons?.. I was just informed you are friends with flatblackterror that explains everything.

hahahahahahahahahahahahah, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, easy killer, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,

want a taco?

wtf are you doing up this late. Be ready to see tomorrow as soon as the shop opens…you are now officially first-asskickedbyanotherpittspeedmember

Really?, !? Im working on a box still,
I feel i should inform you that i really dont like meat…
and would you like to stop by tonight, cause im still here…

want a taco???

Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco?Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco?Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco? Taco?

  1. You are the gayest a human could ever be, in fact you are more gay than ANY LIVING THING could ever be.

Nah nah cheeks has me beat by a mile. I cant believe that kid is down your shop right now with pat. I heard pat screaming in pain when I was on the phone with cheeks… something about hide the sausage. What a fag kid should just end his life down there tonight.

  1. You are FAT, and not like 5 or 10 lbs fat, I mean Like fucking fat, like when you walk past my 93 NX you set off the alarm,

Fucking fat is when you go and look in a black 240 and it has a half eaten italian hoagie in the passengers seat… or when you get into a 2 door civic and it smells like subway? Yes true story about all cheeks vehicles they smell like fast food restaurants.

  1. You smell Like Taco’s , and not like that “Hey I work at taco bell” smell, but more along the lines of, “All I ever eat is tacos” kinda smell

I smelled your sisters taco then I ate it.

  1. You Drive a chicks car, not like a VW cabrio kind, or a new VW Bug with the flowers in the dash, but Like the MR2 kind, ahh wait that is exactly what it is.

Comming from a guy who drives a purple 4x4. :X

  1. You are a shit stirer, I mean Like whenever you talk its complete bile discharge from your mouth, and not like the gingavitus English rotten teeth smell, but llike diarea of the mouth, it just keeps on running.

Ill spit on your face and make pat lick it up… because I know he likes the taste of shit.

  1. Which brings me to your breath, Your breath smells like you ate nasty salty balls, with a side of tarter sauce, and A glass of vinger.


you sound a touch jealous of cheeks and pat, and you refered to him as if HE made this post… Do you really think that Cheeks could ever spell this bad???

well when you have a second grade eduacation there are some problems… yes.

wow really LAME

you are all faggots minus pewter.



Just passin’ through. Mmmmm… tacos…


were the tacos pink by any chance?

At least I have friends HeyHey! You want a Taco?? Did you apply for food stamps yet you fat lazy fuckin waste of human life?