So. My sister just brought over her boyfriend, and his friends...

And I get beckoned outside.

My sister says “give them a ride.”

There is 3 guys. One with a sikk tribal, and one that weighs atleast 280.

They all wanted to jump in at once… :bloated: :gay:

It turns out one of these guys is the kid in the blue trans am, Sherm raced last year.

Well, all of a sudden, they are talking about how this is the fastest car in Cheektowaga, and i pulled on a Turbo Camaro SS LS1. It didn’t hit me until, I realized they were thinking of MrSmith. So I casually told them, “that wasn’t me”.

10 minutes later, one kid says… “could you beat an LS1?”.

And his friend hits him, and says “dude, he pulled on the turbo one”.

HOLY SHIT! How many times do I have to tell them?

Then they proceeded to tell me Paul, from Swerve Motorsports car was fucking rediculous fast. I proceeded to tell them… “only in the twisties.”

Other questions i was asked…

Boy: “Does it have a BOV?”
Me: “Nope, just a turbo”

Boy: “Didn’t these come factory turbo?”
Me: “Nope, just with Vtec…which is kinda like turbo”

Boy: “How big is that engine?”
Me: “1.6L Sohc”
Boy: “so thats like what?? 24 valve?”
Me: “divided by 3”

Boy: “well my car feels faster, is that because its a V8?”
Me: “I can’t tell you why you feel, what you feel… but I am willing to bet my car is faster”
Boy: “Yeah dude, your car is definitely faster” :bloated:

Boy: Sees the cigarettes in my car
Boy: “Oh, you smoke cigarettes?”
Me: “Yep, and V8’s”

Not only does my sister bring home a kid. But he drives an F-Bod.

Beck i love u

Rofl. One of the Better stories Ive read in a while. Whenever I see a post by you, I always know that Im assured a laugh. :tup: for attempting to educate people on whats fast. :tup:

Haha, 24 valve.

Oh not to mention.

They asked me if it was FWD…

Not 1.

Not 2.

Not 3.

I lost track after 4 times.

most important parts:

How old is Your sister?



Older than your neice.

So how about.

Pics of my sis, for pics of your neice.


Ooooooh I’m sure you gobbled up the attention. :slight_smile:



pics or ban! rofl kiddin beck

“kinda like turbo” :lol:

:tup: becks sis is a hott piece…i can vouch for this…i can also vouch that the Kid in the blue TA is Ghetto Fabolous and he thinks he has the worlds fastest car. he once told me he had 500whp right before sherms autotragic 343whp smoked his crack…wow this kids gay

So lets recap what these domestiboys learned today…

Civics are FWD.
Vtec is like turbo.
Civics are FWD.
24 divided by 3 = the amount of valves in a D16.
Civics don’t need BOV’s.
Civics are FWD.
V8’s feel faster, when infact they are slower.
Civics are FWD.
A red hatch = a red hatch
every red hatch = mrsmith’s red hatch
oh and civics are FWD.

Doh, sounds like a weinner.

:chuckle: Good read. :tup:


Look @ His stylish super sideways hat…
Sherm Vs Him

apparently nobody remembers this thread

p.s. funny story. haha.

His friend looks really unamused by this.

bck post up her myspace :lol: