Oh my fucking shit.


Are you fucking kidding me?

holy shitttttttttttttttt

disconnecting your kite after you’re done might be a good idea :lmao :lmao :lmao

:rofl he def. shit his pants!..oh and is the guy in the background screaming necessary? :rofl

Dude that guy went from watching his friend play with a kite on a snowboard, to filming his death, to filming a fucking miracle in a span of like 15 seconds, I’d be screaming like a bitch too.

Ha ha why would you not unhook

Because from that height he’d probably die and not be unharmed like he was? :nuts


No I meant before he took flight or after jack ass

First time he probably didn’t know how high he would go.
Second time?

10-4 over and out clown shoe!

WOW !!! that gave me mad adrenaline when i saw that, he got so high holly fuck man

hes SOOOO damn lucky, he REALLY should of unhooked his shit tho after he landed LOL



1:09~1:27 :rofl

Next time he’s bringing a parachute…