Lets go kite-surfing in a tropical storm!


Since the video gives you no info about what happened to him.

Darwin just missed.

I bet that was the ride of a life-time.

How long would it take your brain to go, hey maybe I should let go.

That shit yanked him right over the street!

oh wow, he took off!

you can’t just let go, you’re strapped to it…

holy shit he took off… damn

i heart darwin.

:lol: that would suck so bad

lol, dumb ass



but isn’t there some sort of rip cord you can pull for quick release in such an event? i’m sure he’s not the first guy to get his ass whipped around out of control like that…i can’t believe there would be no way of having an emergency release type mechanism

I would assume that for this guy, fear beat logic

those kites are expensive, I would have held on too!

if he makes it through, i bet his hospital bills are going to be way more…

thats why we have health insurance

i think he is ok