Kite Tube !

This shit looks sick!! Check out the vid on there page.

Retail: $599.95 …phook thats alot of $

I could see this being a lot of fun with alcohol

like playing king of the mountain on this thing

^^ wacky waving flying inflatable tube kite king of the mountain hurts when u hit the water game ???

edit: i find it ironic that there’s SKULLS on the thing … that’s always a good sign, a recreational item with DEATH printed right on it

looks fun but I would probably crap myself

that is fing amazing :tup: looks like alot of fun lol

if I owned a boat, I’d be ALL over that

I want one, now I just gotta figure out who I’m gonna leave all my shit to when I die.

We could try it on Sheridan drive behind your car with Skunk on it. Yah, I like it!

One of my friends has one, we go up on the bay and play with it a bunch. Let me tell you though, it’s fucking DANGEROUS. I still havent had the balls to put the rope out on the 3rd wrung. The worst is when you get some good air and get it headed up and suddenly you shift your weight or the boat does in a bad way and the whole thing starts flaring back and forth. Some of the crashes are BRUTAL, much worse than regular tubing/wakeboarding/other water stuff. But, it is a BLAST, people dont know what to think when you go sailing past 20ft in the air grabbing 10+ seconds of hang time. I absolutely love the thing.

that has drowning victim all over it

hmmmmmm. I may have to take a better look at one. Six bills is a set of slicks though.

right when we sell the boat this shit come out? WTF

DEATH by kite!,2933,201346,00.html

DAM that looks fun, i’m gonan tell my buddy who’s got a boat to get one!

I actually laughed when i clicked on this… not at the death but because of the irony.

They have reasonable priced ones out there too.

I have one.

There fun for a while, but… ehh.