saw this on rob and big

it looks like so much fun!!! this is the first time ive ever heard of it. Neone ever done this?

Wow, that seems incredibly dangerous.

Repost but still cool

kite tubes have been outlawed, you can no longer buy them

in every state? ya they deffinitly dont seem safe

lol thats fuggin nuts

he got so high in the one part…u could def die if u hit the water wrong looks fun tho lol

i could see the being dangerous part…but now a days just waking up in the morning is dangerous lol. looks like a lot of fun though

i dont really think its any worse then regular tubing to be honest. its not like you really would fall much further then 10 feet, how much speed could it possible add to the already 40+ mph your already going. Falling off of a tube doesn’t really hurt all that much, especially in fresh water(less dense).

i know someone with one. well he is in jail but i am sure he still has it

haha theres videos on youtube of like professionals doing it, ill try to find the one i was watchin, the one guy got so high up.

My room mate bought one of those for $700 off ebay. Ive seen them range from $600-$1100. You CAN still buy them but you can only get them from individuals, you are not allowed to buy them from businesses. The only reason they are dangerous is because of ignorance. When you but it, YOU NEED TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!! A lot of boat driver hit the gas more once the rider catches air in hopes to get them higher. One the driver NEEDS to do is slow down a little to control the hight. If you use common sense, then its not that dangerous. I cant wait for the weather to warm up so I can use it :tup:

ya in the video i posted in the first post, you can hear the driver let off the throttle once the kid caught some decent wind, and he would let him float back down