Oh no they didn't

Step 1. Click link: http://premium1.uploadit.org/docZox//socialismjoker8x10.5.jpg

Step 2: Click Picture in link.

Step 3: Save full size pic to comp.

Step 4: Print and distribute as needed.


That’s wrong on so many levels :rofl

Fixed that for ya.

I see what you did there :ninja

Damn right.

Haha i wush i could print them out

I like it…

I approve

Pic link no worky!

Yes it does? Try it again.

Fixed that for ya too :rofl:rofl:rofl

that’s Obama in the pic right?


No, its Heath Ledger with an Obama-like haircut.


I printed one. Just have to resize the shit out of it. Go to link and save it.

No…its Obama with photoshopped makeup. Click the link.

My response was sarcasm.


I don’t believe that. Now go trade your car.