oh oh look who i saw

i had to go install some equipment today at sir whiteys place of bidness.

if only i would have taken a picture of him in his purple pimp shirt


puprle shirt???:hsugh: metro style??:confused:

it works for him though, i would look like a big fat red headed barny

to each their own



Did he look like grimace?

holy shit. Whitey’s car. Thank goodness you had your camera with you.

hahaha… i was goofing off in the break room when i get told there are two guys in front looking for me… my first thought was oh great, cops…

i do wear purple shirts, as well as pink shirts. I get picked on, but i still have pulled more ass in my day then most anyone at the office. so i just smile and say yeah, the shirt is purple!

chicks dig gay dudes.

pretty much