Old game - Castle Defend


we played this a few years ago … dunno if any one else has played it since then.

Right now i just click a few buttons and let it play itself.


how the hell is that fun?

i have so many archers i dont need to do anything… i’ll eventually just spend all my mo ney and loose all my army and just let the castle die… i’m just trying to see how high i can get my score…

Get a job you bum

Job interview tonight! Government Job FTW!


any secrets ? like what to buy first do u need to fortify ?? i got up to the big animal guy n die

i cant believe you guys are playing this


this game is awesome

welcome to my child hood!

Made it to stage 17
They took away all my wizards and archers and I had like 5 them big dudes commin at me
casualties 2384
Final score 298340

i remember playing this two years ago…

i remember when you weren’t here two years ago.


ok first things first invest in temple and start converting people, second invest in archery rangeand make like 30 - 40 archers(red), then fortify a decent amount maybe like 2 - 3 100x things or whatever it is. next buy mana pool and get like 20 priests(Yellow). start converting peole with teh castle and the priests… get up tp about 50 priests and 100 archers. then fortify like crazy.

Important save money for unit upkeep… if you dont you will lose your defenders. i stopped at level 45 i had 800 archers ans 120 priests and 20 workshop people. I didnt have to touch a thing the game ran itself. all i did was fortify and left money for my army…

its easy

Kills - 41741
Score - 8380900
Wall Strength - 595000