Old video game systems / games

Looking to complete my in process game room and Im looking for some systems I used to have. If anyone has any older systems like :

Atari Jaguar
Turbo Grafix 16
Neo Geo
Any games for super nintendo, N64, or the above systems too

I may be intrested in other stuff too, let me know what you have and price. If you have a mixed bunch of stuff thats cool too.

Also any stand up arcade machines i might be intrested in to if the price is right

AND - remeber those little mini arcade style games? They are old school and looked like a stand up arcade game but like 1/8th the size. Like the one in the 1st gremlins movie that they were playing, I know they made a donkey kong one…anyways looking for those too.


i have a dreamcast with about 20 games and 2 controllers

make an offer

use emulators!

turbo grafix 16 was fuckin sweet

bonk’s adventure was rad… remember that one game with like the 2 dudes going around and doing stuff? wtf was it called… it was like larry and rob or something

EDIT: fucking jj and jeff!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.J._%26_Jeff

I have a Sega Genesis + 3 controllers + all cords

Or a Sega Game Gear + 1 game (Sonic Triple Trouble) + power supply
for $15.
PM if interested.

lol yeah, I still remember back in ther day being at toys-r-us and playing bonks adventure on turbo 16 on the demo station and being so amazed with it.

Skurge + mordak Pm’ed

00zx6r - I hear ya, I guess Im weird though I like to have the real thing and if it has the boxes even better