negative. I’m letting the business go the way of the Dodo and I took a position with a natuRal gas company up here in Kittanning.

I guess thats something only a few states do, becuase i changed licenses two times in two years and never got a temporary. Went from PA to VA then from VA to DC and never had that issue, went into the dmv and came out with the new permanent license. Thats weird


That’s a shame, bud. Seemed like the business was growing pretty good for ya. Didn’t enjoy/want to keep doing it, or…?

business was going great actually. but I got a very attractive offer to stay up in PA that I just couldn’t pass up. Plus I love my job up here, I love being up here, and it’s a LOT less stress. Six digit salary, full company paid benefits, 401K, extremely lucrative performance bonuses, company vehicle, gas card, inclusion in the gas well drilling investor program and getting to stay in a nice ass house for next to nothing.

All that = fuck pools


hiring? lol


stfu n00b


there is no way we could trust you and other men together out in the middle of nowhere on a drill rig. You’re just too sexy.

Like that matters, he is married so i doubt he even knows what to do with his dick anymore:finger:

well I crashed at his house last week and when I got home and took a shit it looked like someone dumped a gallon of yogurt in my shitter. I’ve been ingesting copious amounts of drugs to try and get rid of the memory.

can’t man rape the willing:idb:

but you can rape the unconscious.

sad thing is that could be a true story, i have seen chad drunk before:eek3:

this thread seems to be going places.

dark, stinky places.

You still care about me right?

Um, sure I do sweetheart… :hsugh: