OMG i know one of these guys

someone i know got arrested for child pornography today his name is william swiat thats crazy


I probably wouldn’t announce that you know one of the biggest scumbags around.

all these people do: LINK


Did they all know eachother? I mean, did they all get together and…do this…together. Ew. Wackos.

y its not like that makes me one of them by association. im not really his friend i just know who he is and i bowl with his father sometimes. i use to bowl against him in school

I bet they played ookie cookie

what’s ookie cookie?

hello dollies?


yeah when these sick fucks wind up in prison where they belong its common knowledge that dudes who love the kids are at the bottom of the prison food chain. Side note did anyone see the article in the newspaper about the dude who got his forehead tattooed by another inmate, It said katies revenge or something , thus more proof you love the kids they make examples of you


Its when dudes stand around a cookie and try to…finish on it, the last one to …“finish” has to eat it.

Ew. Why do you know this.

or even better, ookie quarter pounder with cheese.

thats gross.

HAHA well played :smiley: