but seriously, i want a pack of these as pets running around my house at all times.

who doesn’t im pretty sure si01 killed one at the zoo.

so you can eat one for dinner & for snacks? :poke:

aww look it had babies - QUICK get the grill ready, appetizer time!


FYI Panda meat is unpalatable

those are super hot

why do you know this ?

tried to muay roundhouse one in the head in thailand for substinance and it was a no go?

i asked a chinese gentleman while in hong KONG

like, they don’t taste good? or they’ll make you sick?

dont taste good, im sure if cooked right it wouldnt make u sick

It looks like a racoon that someone blow dried lol.

I didn’t kill it you jerk, I just fed it the Buffalo weeds it wanted, but couldn’t reach.

Screw it’s natural food. It just wanted some weeds.

Isn’t there a vid of me feeding it kicking around somewhere?

Isnt that a Firefox?

haha babies are getting punched
