Another reason to support China :wtf:

Hoe Lee Shit.

How many people do you think were arrested/killed trying to protect their dogs?

ugh, no comment

wtf? do they really think that is a solution? Wow.

ogs being walked were taken from their owners and beaten to death on the spot, it said. Other killing teams entered villages at night creating noise to get dogs barking, then homing in on their prey.

what the fuck is wrong with china. thats so fucking wrong

This is the face my puppy made when i told him I was sending him to china

Oden looks so happy in that pic.

Their reasoning seems a little fucked. 4 dead people due to rabies: Club 50,000 dogs to death.


Edit- and I was about to have howie over for dinner…buuuuuuuutttttttt…

what the fuck you have got to be kidding me



howies mom made some sweet ass beef stuff the other night :lickout:

needs more dog.

I cant believe this didnt get much attention. I read another article about it today and got pissed off again. So I decided this needed a bump.

I also saw on the news today that china has banned the Simpsons and other foreign cartoons because they are “distasteful”… Communism FTL , they sure know how to handle things(sarcasm)

i’d take that entire killing team down (and when i say down, i mean bullets, not a punch) if they came after my pitt with a baseball bat. Thats just fucked up.


thats still so fucked up

it’s funny that they beat them with sticks.

like, really… can we be any more primitive?

god, they’re a booming industrial powerhouse, not a bunch of jungle bunnies or sand niggers.

(lol at racial slurs!)

fuck china

anyone want some moo goo gia pan