F- Christina, cause i bet thats fun
Marry- Jennifer Love Hewitt, cause i wouldnt mind wakeing up next to her for eternity
Kill- Britney, cause shes nuts
i’d FUCK the one who was interested.
i’d MARRY the one with the most money and the least interest in a pre-nup.
and i’d KILL the one who plays stupid games like this.
Hewitt is the only one even close to being marriage material.
Christina is worthless, but at least she’s still hot…2 times.
Stern is a white-trash loser, who happened to get noticed for being a douche. Look at Oprah, there are morons who happen to be outrageously successful in this country, and it’s only because we pay attention to them.
I’d fuck Jessica Alba, then kill Jessica Alba. then fuck Jessica Alba again. Then I’d marry ShalerPunk and make lots of super intelligent babies that would infiltrate society, rise to power and take over the world and remake it in our own image.