One last thread bitching about my experience in FL

Can some one please explain

and no my truck did not fit to either side, and yes I wanted to go down that street

Truly amazing…

was this an option?

That’s something I would expect to see in CA with all the tree hugging hippies.

you have aids

da da da da dadadada

Not hiv but you’ve got full-blown aids

i wish it was something less serious



i wish it was something less serious


buuuuuttt it’s AIDS!

…you’ve got the aiiiidddsss!

oh, and that pic is amazing. at least they put a caution sign in front of it


Can some one please explain


I’m no expert, but it appears to me that there is a tree in the road.


thom where exactly was that?

St. Pete, just north of Big Bayou


stupid FL

hahaa thats retarded.

its like not even a nice tree. ive seen pics of shit like that in ca with all of the super old redwoods but that really doesnt make any sense at all.

I <3 FL, it makes the day that much more entertaining. :slight_smile:

I must not be thinking clearly based on all this Florida bashing. My goal in life is to save enough money to retire young and move down there. All I want is a house with a dock and a walkaround cabin Grady.