One of my fave stories from the Philippines

you may have heard me talk about this b4, if not, enjoy~

ok so get this…

i went to an open bar today…but it as from 7AM-9AM at another pimp hotel here…and i drank as much as i wanted for those 2 hours, which were right when i got out of work… for only $5. i had san miguel light, pretty good beer ! i had a lot of them lol… anyways, a co worder of mine, who is from here invited me to his niece’s christining, which is a big thing and i decided to go…we end up at this restaurant, where they are celebrating the event. ok im in the middle of over 100 family members…but they were all nice and most spoke english… there was a mariachi band playing, with 2 guitars and a huge cello…then we get served food… like, plate after plate kept coming out with alll different kinds of dishes…im sucha picky eater but i tried friend spinach…which was good, some kinda chicken broth somethin, some other things… anwyay the point of this story is this…there are tiles on the ceilings of the place with hand prints and signatures of famous people who have eaten there…so im like…hmmm maybe im famous? so we tell the manager there that im in a band from NYC called “Sik 5”…and they went crazy, not even knowing what i do…soooo they had this ceremony for me and brought a tile out…a girl lays my hand in this white paint…and then place it on the tile and presses my hand onto the tile to make the print. i then write "micah weber, ‘sik 5’ , NY, USA. then they show me where my tile is going…and its right next to sean connery and jackie chan’s tiles… pics coming as soon as my friend sends them to me… now that was definitely something ill never forget, and my name will be there forever

OK well here are the pics from this day’s morning… keep in mind i was a bit tipsy throughout, i drank nonstop for 3 hours or so…

with other trainers that live here as well as my co workers in the pics

me and another trainer

me doin i dunno what…this is on the way to the restaurant, im hammered.

let the handprinting begin, i couldnt stop laughing cuz i knew it was all a joke to me, but so real to them



Simply brilliant.

lol nice you’ve reached infamy. I hear the phillipeans is awsome. i want to go there some day.

el o el


awesome man/ simply awesome

That’s fantastic…great story there.

:biglaugh: That’s awesome. You tha man now dogg… :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice Nice poser :stuck_out_tongue:

“you had sex with two phillipino women…and one man”

“you mean three philipino women!”

This is one of the greatest storys EVER! lol



what are you a trainer for

Ingram Micro
i was in the philippines last year for 11 weeks… took some beach resort weekends, and also visited bangkok, thailand for a weekend… layovers were in alaska, japan, and china (2 hours each wish it were more)

lol@family guy reference

great story man. those bastards would beleive anything

You know, Micah Weber, with the White Glove.

lol thats some funny stuff.

word one time i told a girl there that birds take all the leaves off the trees b4 winter… “really?”

that’s awesome lol

thats fucking awesome :lol:


i remember this you g00se